Partner Event Submission

Once you have completed your Partner Registration Form and remitted your Partner Payment, you may submit your events.

For each unique event, you must submit a unique form. If an event is recurring (the same program, happening at multiple times), submit a single form but specify all of the dates in the date field. If an event is ongoing (an exhibition, for example), submit a single form but specify the date range (“March 2 – March 20″) in the date field.

The form’s capitalized titles (“WHAT”) correspond to the 2011 Events listings page.

This description may not exceed 650 characters or 150 words; your entry will be cropped to this length automatically on the 2012 Events page -- even if it's in the middle of a sentence.
If an event is happening once, specify the date, time and location. If an event is recurring (the same program, happening at multiple times), list each of the dates, times and locations. If an event is ongoing (an exhibition, for example), list the date range ("March 2 - 20"), the appropriate times ("gallery hours are M-F, 8-5") and the location.
Include the location name and address. If your event is recurring and will take place at multiple locations, be sure to list all locations / addresses.
List all admission / enrollment fees. If the event is free, you must note that.
The name of the presenting partner will not link to the presenting partner's website if this field is not completed.
This information will be published in the event listing. So, for example, do not share your personal cell phone number if you do not want event inquiries.

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