Women & Creativity Presenting Partners contribute $100 to support coordination and PR via National Hispanic Cultural Center and Creative Albuquerque, including the website, inserts in local weeklies, postcard notices, and more. Partners are prominently listed as such on all Women & Creativity publications, online and print.
Partners who register in accordance with the October deadlines are also eligible for inclusion in the Albuquerque Convention & Visitors Bureau’s Girlfriend Getaways package promotion, which reaches regional and national audiences.
Individual artists / facilitators / workshop leaders / lecturers can also participate by locating an organization or business (paying Partner) who is willing to sponsor her (or his) event.
You may remit your Partner payment through PayPal (below), or by making a check payable to Creative Albuquerque and mailing it to Women & Creativity, P.O. Box 27657, Albuquerque, NM 87125